
To win new customers-Analysis of new visitors to your Store

Customer: "can you do eyelash extensions here?"
Receptionist: "yes, but the lash artists are all busy at the moment. It may take about one hour to wait."
Customer: "ah... I have to wait so long. I have a dinner date with my friends tonight. Come back next time."
Receptionist: "OK, welcome next time!”

How often does this conversation happen in your store, where almost every store loses an average of five new customers a week.

It's too bad that these natural flows are going away. We should try our best to keep these new customers.

So today we're going to look at the new customers, and then we're going to figure out how to keep them.

01 about new customer visitors
If the store has the habit of registering the source of customers, you can check the membership management system and find that: members come from friends/members to introduce, group purchase website, Facebook public account activities...
But most members still come from strangers.
There are actually two types of stranger visitors: motivated stranger visitors and unmotivated stranger visitors.

02 motivated stranger visitors
The so-called motivated stranger visiting customers are strangers who have some basic understanding of the store's brand, technology and service before arriving at the store and then come to the store on their own initiative.

This kind of customer will have better patience and higher psychological expectations. In the introduction communication before formal service, if the lash artists introduction is not professional or has a perfunctory attitude, it is easy to cause a big psychological gap and lead to the loss of customers.

They may learn about the store through group buying websites, Google search, sharing links, friends' introduction, etc. Based on previous understanding, they may just pass by, may be free today, may not know that the store needs to make an appointment in advance, may not know that the store is busy today...
Lots of possibilities, but today, it's time to get to the store.

What should we do?
The customer has arrived at the store, but there is no lash artist to receive.
At this time, the customer is faced with loss (because she has spent time to understand the store before, but has to go back to the store), we need to think about the solution from the perspective of customer loss avoidance.

Therefore, firstly, train the telephone reception process of lash artists and the standard reception process of customers coming to the store;
Second, record the customer's name, phone number and other information and inform her of the following: if any other customer cancels the appointment or has a vacancy on that day, she will be informed by phone;
If there is no appointment on the day, contact the customer on the second or third day.

Third, compensate the loss (time, car, energy loss) of customers for not getting service this time accordingly.

03 Unmotivated stranger visitors
The so-called unmotivated stranger visitors are strangers who arrive at the store without knowing anything about the brand, technology and service of the store and then take the initiative.

This kind of customer has poor patience and low psychological expectations. In the introduction and communication before formal service, if the customer's demand and pain point cannot be found through the communication with the lash artist, the loss of customers may be caused.

"I was just passing by, coming in to find out."
"I have lost a lot of my eyelashes in the next room. How about having a look at your store?"
"How much do you charge?
Your price is so expensive."
"I don't have time to wait today. I'll go next door."
"You don't have time? OK, I'll come again next time."

Read the above answer, you might feel very heart plug.
Their answers can be so overwhelming that they sometimes say "welcome next time" or watch customers leave in bewilderment.
We're going to do an economics lesson here, called sunk costs.

For example, the customer did not take the card and enough cash today, but they want to buy a$500 membership card, so you can receive $100 deposit.
In this way, after the customer's impulse disappears, in order not to lose the $100, he is likely to come back and pay with his credit card.

When people decide whether to do something, they not only look at whether it is good for the future or not, but also pay attention to whether they have invested in this thing in the past, which is a very interesting and stubborn irrational psychology.

Therefore, first, let the customer stay as much as possible (prepare special dialogue skills for strange visitors, so that the staff can be flexible when encountering such customers), and invest time cost;
Second, try to get customers to make an appointment for their next visit.

Given space limitation, we’ll advise further strategy to win the new customers to your store. If you have the interest to learn more, please follow us, we’re Our lash, we supply bulk eyelashes to most of the eyelash salons all over the world. Let’s expect more cooperation between us.

